Privacy Policy

Code for Japan (General Incorporated Association Code for Japan, hereinafter referred to as "the Organization") commits to complying with laws concerning personal information and ensuring the proper handling of such information. The Organization handles personal information collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Participants in various events operated by the Organization (hereinafter referred to as “Event(s)”) and users of websites, etc. operated by the Organization (hereinafter such websites are referred to as “Website(s)”) (hereinafter such participants and users are collectively referred to as "Users") must review, understand, and agree to the contents of this Privacy Policy before using such services. In cases where specific services (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Services") provided by the Organization may have separate privacy policies (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Privacy Policies"), Users must also review and agree to these Individual Privacy Policies when using such services.

1 Definition of Personal Information

In this Privacy Policy, personal information refers to information about a living individual as defined by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"). Unless otherwise specified, the definitions of terms follow those set by the Act. The Organization may collect the following types of user information, which may include personal information, in connection with Events, Websites, etc.:

  • Information registered by Users during their use of Events or Website, etc(e.g., name, nickname, postal code, date of birth, gender, address, occupation, phone number, email address, password, etc.).
  • Information related to Users' profiles (e.g., profile photos, hobbies, family composition, age, and other personal attributes).
  • Payment information (e.g., bank account details, credit card information, and facts related to failed credit payments).
  • Information related to communication devices (e.g., IP addresses, usage status, history, location data, devices used, accessed pages/advertisements, usage times, usage methods, usage environment, etc.).

The Website may use "Cookies" to enhance user convenience. Cookies record which pages are accessed but cannot identify or distinguish Users unless personal information is entered. Users can refuse the use of cookies by changing their browser settings, but this may result in being unable to use part or all of the site functionalities.

2 Acquisition of Personal Information

The Organization complies with the Act and other relevant laws and guidelines and does not acquire personal information through a deception or other wrongful means.

3 Use of Personal Information

The Organization uses personal information for the following purposes as specified for each type of information. For Individual Services, purposes of use are detailed in Individual Privacy Policies (in cases where individual guidelines exist). The Organization uses personal information beyond the specified purposes or in content different from this policy only with prior consent from Users or as required by law.


Type of InformationPurpose of Use
(1)Personal Information from participants in Event (hereinafter referred to as “Event Participant(s)”) acquired through registration or application to the Event
(1)To confirm Event Participant registration or application.
(2)To provide information and contact regarding events to Event Participants.
(3)To conduct surveys related to Events.
(4)To respond smoothly to inquiries from Event Participants.
(5)To notify or inform Event Participants about other Events.
(2)Personal Information from Website Inquiries
To respond smoothly to inquiries.
(3)Personal information obtained from the planning, development, and operation of individual services. *Details regarding individual services may be specified in separate privacy policies.
(1)To perform the provision of Individual Services.
(2)To respond to inquiries related to Individual Services.
(4)Information from Surveys
To compile surveys, create statistical information, and improve Events, Website and services, etc. operated by the organization.
(5)Transaction Information
To contact trading partners, send invoices, and handle other administrative procedures.
(6)Media Cooperation Information
(1)To confirm media cooperation requests and handle subsequent procedures.
(2)To request media cooperation, conduct interviews, create and publish articles based on interview content, and provide compensation for interviews.
(7)Entry and Exit Information
To verify identity for entry and exit management at Organization facilities.
Information from Commissioned Work
To perform commissioned work.

4 Accuracy and Security Measures

The Organization strives to maintain the accuracy of personal information and implements security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information. Improvements are made as necessary.

5 Inquiries and Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information

Users (specific individuals identified by personal data the Organization holds information) can request notification of the purpose of use of their personal data the Organization holds, disclosure of their personal data the Organization holds or records on provision of personal data to third parties, correction, addition or deletion of their personal data the Organization holds, discontinuation of use or erasure of their personal data the Organization holds, and cessation of provision to third parties of their personal data the Organization holds in accordance with the Act.

  • Requests should be made by filling out the necessary information and sending it to the contact details provided below. The Organization may refuse disclosure, etc., if it is not legally required to do so.

Inquiries and complaints related to the handling of personal information are also received at the contact details provided below.

(Required Information for Inquiries)

(1)Content of the inquiry (e.g., verification, correction, deletion, etc. Specify correction content if applicable).

(2)Contact details of the inquirer (email address, name).

(Contact Details)

Contact us


  • The procedures for disclosure and other actions will be informed by the Organization after verifying the individual's identity.
  • No fees are charged for these procedures.

6 Use of External Services

Other websites linked from Website (our site) may be separate from Website(our site). The Organization does not assume any responsibility for these external sites. Users must comply with the terms and privacy policies of external services when using them.

7 Updates to the Privacy Policy

The Organization may update this Privacy Policy as necessary based on changes in Websites, Events, external services, technological advancements, etc. or legal changes. Before such updates, the facts of such updates, the contents and the effective dates of the updated Privacy Policy will be announced on the Website. Changes legally requiring User consent will be implemented through the method separately prescribed by the Organization, and the updated policy will apply to Users who agree to it.


Established: April 16, 2020 (The April 16, 2020 version of the Privacy Policy is here.

Revised: May 3, 2020

Revised: July 29, 2024

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